Duane Brown

Archive for September, 2010

Updates for Autodesk Revit Structure

Autodesk Revit Structure 2012
Autodesk_Revit_Structure_2012-x86_Update-2 (exe – 250 MB)
Autodesk_Revit_Structure_2012-x64_Update-2 (exe – 180 MB)
Service Pack Readme (htm – 88Kb)
Update Enhancement List (pdf – 200Kb)

Autodesk Revit Structure 2011
Autodesk Revit Structure 2011 Update 2_32-bit
Autodesk Revit Structure 2011 Update 2_64-bit
Service Pack Readme

Autodesk Revit Structure 2010
Autodesk Revit Structure 2010 Update 2_32-bit
Autodesk Revit Structure 2010 Update 2_64-bit
Service Pack Readme

updates for Autodesk Revit MEP

Autodesk Revit MEP 2011
Autodesk Revit MEP 2011 Update 2_32-bit
Autodesk Revit MEP 2011 Update 2_64-bit
Service Pack Readme

Autodesk Revit MEP 2010

Autodesk Revit MEP 2010 Update 2_32-bit
Autodesk Revit MEP 2010 Update 2_64-bit
Service Pack Readme

Updates for Autocad MEP

AutoCAD MEP 2011

AutoCAD MEP 2011


Updates for AutoCAD Architecture

AutoCAD Architecture 2012

AutoCAD Architecture 2011

AutoCAD Archtiecture 2010

Updates for AutoCAD Map 3D

AutoCAD Map 3D 2011


AutoCAD Map 3D 2010


Updates for Civil 3D

Civil 3D 2011

NOTE: Update 2 in NOT historical, it requires update 1 to be applied first

Civil 3D 2011 Update 2 32bit
Civil 3D 2011 Update 2 64bit

Civil 3D 2011 Update 1 32bit (exe – 32048Kb)
Civil 3D 2011 Update 1 64bit (exe – 45070Kb)

Civil 3D 2010:

NOTE: update 3.1 is NOT historical, it requires update 2 to be applied first


Updates for Revit Architecture

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012
Autodesk_Revit_Architecture_2012-x86_Update-2 (exe – 250 MB)
Autodesk_Revit_Architecture_2012-x64_Update-2 (exe – 280 MB)
Service Pack Readme (htm – 86Kb)
Update Enhancement List (pdf – 136Kb)

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 Update 2_32-bit (EXE – 69965Kb)
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 Update 2_64-bit (EXE – 96926Kb) 
Service Pack Readme (htm – 39Kb)

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010:
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 Update 2_32-bit (exe – 68.0 Mb)
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 Update 2_64-bit (exe – 94.1 Mb)
Service Pack Readme (htm – 54Kb)

Updates for AutoCAD

AutoCAD 2012:

AutoCAD 2011:
if you already applied autocad 2011 update 1 – and then the hotfix afterwards you DO NOT NEED to install update 1.1.
AutoCAD2011Update1.1.exe (exe – 11025Kb)
AutoCAD2011Update1.1×64.exe (exe – 16072Kb)

AutoCAD 2010:
autocad2010update2.exe (exe – 30814Kb)
autocad2010update2x64.exe (exe – 42094Kb)

Subscription Advantage Packs for 2011 Products are now Available : Video Overviews

Autodesk has released their Subscription Advantage Packs for 11 different 2011 products.
AutoCAD 2011
Video 3: AutoCAD® 2011 Products
AutoCAD Architecture 2011
Video 1: Autodesk Green Building Studio
Video 2: AutoCAD® 2011 Products
AutoCAD MEP 2011
Video 1: Autodesk Green Building Studio
Video 2: AutoCAD® 2011 Products
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011
Video 1: Autodesk® Revit® Server Extension
Video 2: Autodesk® Revit® Conceptual Energy Analysis
Autodesk Revit MEP 2011
Video 1: Autodesk® Revit® Server Extension
Video 2: Autodesk® Revit® Conceptual Energy Analysis
Autodesk Revit Structure 2011
Video 1: Autodesk® Revit® Server Extension
Video 2: Revit® Extensions for Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2011
AutoCAD Map 3D 2011
Video 2: Autodesk® FDO Provider for ArcGIS®
Video 3: AutoCAD® 2011 Products
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 (Yes it is AVAILABLE now)
Includes The Autodesk FDO PROVIDER FOR ArcGIS
Video 1: Production Enhancements
Video 2: Autodesk® FDO Provider for ArcGIS®
Video 3: AutoCAD® 2011 Products
Rendering / Animation
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011
Video: Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 and 3ds Max Design 2011
AutoCD Electrical 2011
Video 3: AutoCAD® 2011 Products
AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
Video 3: AutoCAD® 2011 Products

Civil 3D 2011 Smooth Surface Crash: Unconfirmed :update 1 may have resolved this issue

click for Update 1 Civil 3D 2011

When performing a smooth surface command using the prospector Civil 3D 2011 crashes.

Vista 32bit
Win 7 64 bit

Initiate the smooth surface command using the ribbon and not the prospector.

Backing up your AutoCAD and AutoCAD vertical software in an organized fashion

you are about to do one of the following:
1) clean uninstall your AutoCAD or AutoCAD vertical
2) update your AutoCAD or AutoCAD vertical
3) install / or uninstall a service pack or update to your AutoCAD or AutoCAD vertical
4) after you make changes to your user interface of AutoCAD or AutoCAD vertical

and you want to make sure you do a complete backup of your software


For an AUTOMATED way of backing up your software that will back up your custom palletes as well as all your custom settings do this:

Start >> All Programs >> Autodesk >> ProductName >> Migrate Custom Settings >> export…

also you will need to export your profiles:

launch product >> OPTIONS >> profile tab >> select profile you want to back up >> EXPORT

Video Backing up your AutoCAD

Click for Backing up system registry – another example with written steps
Click for Restoring your software – another example with written steps

Starting with the 2010 products the installations automatically detect updates and allows you to download them from the internet to be applied automatically during the installation. If you choose to download them and install them manually here are some links that apply to these situations.

Click for Determining which Product Updates you need to apply
Click for Service Packs and Updates Category
Click for Autodesk Product Update Site at Autodesk

AutoCAD : Unable to save DWG file as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to .tmp

Source Autodesk Technical Support
1. When the error occurs, use the following steps to save the drawing:
     a. Enter qsave at the command prompt.
     b. When prompted to replace the existing drawing select Yes.
     c. Close and re-open the drawing.
     d. Did it work correctly?
2. Confirm that the user having the problem has full permissions to the network location where they’re trying to save. This is one of the most common reasons we see this issue is a lack of sufficient rights to the folder.
3. AutoCAD tells if a drawing is in use by the existence of a DWL and DWL2 file. These are hidden, system files so you will need to set your folder options accordingly in Windows Explorer to see them. In some cases these DWL files can become ‘stuck’ and this may not allow the file to be saved. In these cases deleting the DWL files should restore the ability to save the files. Please close AutoCAD and then browse to the folder where your files are located. Delete any DWL files that are in existence. Can you now open and save the DWG files?
4. AutoCAD itself does not have any settings to control this behavior as it is managed by the operating system. We have encountered the scenario you are describing, however in all cases it was an issue with the server or network that was causing the problem. Can you please confirm this by copying the file locally and trying the save operation again. Does it then save correctly?
5. If the files are on a file server, which type is it? The root cause is typically some amount of lag between the client and the server. Try disabling the option to create backup files with each save and try the save operation again. This setting is available in Tools menu > Options > Open and Save tab.
6. Clear out all files in the %TEMP% folder in Windows. This folder is typically found in C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings.
7. Is there only one user experiencing this problem? If only one person logs into the problem machine, have a second person log into the machine and see if the problem is persistent with the new user.
8. Disable the antivirus software and try to save the file. If it works, you may need to add an exception for DWG files into your antivirus software.
9. If they are using Novell Server, please refer to the attached link for more information,

Secondary Installer AutoCAD 2006

To reset the default AutoCAD 2006 user settings, you want to reinitiate the secondary installer.

To reset the AutoCAD 2006 default user settings, you must first delete your application files and registry entries for the program. Follow these steps:
Note: Make sure that you back up any customized AutoCAD 2006 files before starting this procedure. CLICK HERE FOR STEPS

1.Log on to the workstation as the user.
2.On the Start menu (Windows), click Run.
3.In the Run dialog box, enter regedit.
4.In the Registry Editor, locate the following subkey and delete it:
5.Exit the Registry Editor.
6.In Windows Explorer, locate and delete the following application folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Autodesk\ AutoCAD 2006
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\ AutoCAD 2006

VISTA—————unsupported configuration————————-

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ AutoCAD 2006
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\ AutoCAD 2006

The user should now be able to launch AutoCAD 2006. When the product is opened, the files and folders that were deleted will be recreated by the secondary installer.

Warning! Problems caused by improperly editing the Windows registry could render your computer operating system unusable. Microsoft provides a wealth of critical information that you need to know about the registry in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at http://support.microsoft.com/support.

Use the Microsoft® Registry Editor only at your own risk and only after backing up the registry as well as the system.dat and user.dat files as outlined for your operating system in the Microsoft Knowledge Base and in the related solution, TS66513. Additional information about the registry is also contained in the Help topics in the Microsoft Registry Editor.

AutoCAD 2010 : Layer Properties Manager Right Hand Part is transparent

Sometimes the right pane of the layer properties manager can become transparent and you can see through it.
2 Causes:
The .NET Framework was damaged (uninstall and reinstall using windows update)
AutoCAD program file became damaged. (repair reinstall, or clean uninstall / reinstall)
uninstall .NET Framework using removal too:
dotnet framework removal tool

reinstall the .NET Framework Using Windows Update (the latest version is 4)

Distributed and Redundant License Server Models – Notes

Distributed License Server Model
Licenses distributed across multiple servers
Unique license file for each server
Servers can be distributed across a WAN
If one server fails, licenses are still available

Redundant License Server Model
Three servers on one system
One master, two backups
Same license file on all servers
Provides backup if one server fails
Same subnet – close proximity

Revit MEP 2010 Windows Installer asking for installation media disk 1

When the user gets the prompt to browse for the source for the installer (1st message) have them browse to the following location on the installation media:


If that does not work, browse to “\Autodesk\RME_2010_English_Win_64bit\msi” instead.
That should enable the user to go through the installation/repair process.
If that does not fix the issue, I suggest going through the process to cleanly uninstall and reinstall Revit found below:

click for clean uninstall Revit MEP 2010

Revit network license troubleshooting

Published date: 2010-Sep-03
ID: TS13744786

Applies to:
Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2011
Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2010
Revit® Architecture 2009
Revit® Architecture 2008
Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2011
Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2010
Revit® MEP 2009
Revit® MEP 2008
Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2011
Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2010
Revit® Structure 2009
Revit® Structure 2008


When launching Revit you are unable to obtain a network license on a specific workstation but other workstations can obtain a license.


The following process should help isolate or resolve this behavior:

  1. Rename the CascadeInfo.cas file.
    •  Navigate to the following folder:
    Windows XP > C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Adlm
    Windows Vista > C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Adlm
    •  Rename the CascadeInfo.cas file to CascadeInfo.cas-backup
  2. Verify the license server can be pinged from the workstation.
    Diagnostic test for client computer experiencing network licensing errors
  3. Create or verify the workstation ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.
    Specifying license servers using the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable
  4. Delete the Revit licpath.lic file.
    •  File is located > C:\Program Files\Revit Product\Program\Licpath.lic. For 32-Bit versions of Revit running on a 64-Bit operating system the file will be located > C:\Program Files (x86)\Revit Product\Program\Licpath.lic.
    •  Substitute Revit Product with the specific Revit folder name.  This file can be restored from the Recycle Bin after testing if needed.
  5. Export and then clear out the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE registry key.
    •  Close all applications.
    •  Open the Registry Editor > Windows Start > Run > Regedit.
    •  Locate the following key > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FLEXlm License Manager\.
    •  Delete the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE key.
    •  Close the Registry Editor.

    Warning! Use the Microsoft® Registry Editor only at your own risk and only after backing up the registry as well as the system.dat and user.dat files as outlined for your operating system in the Microsoft Knowledge Base and in the related solution, TS66513. Additional information about the registry is also contained in the Help topics in the Microsoft Registry Editor.

    After the steps above are complete restart the workstation and launch Revit.  If the workstation cannot obtain a license move onto the steps below:

  6. Delete the AdskNetSrv.dat file.
    •  Close all applications.
    •  Locate the AdskNetSrv.dat file on Windows XP > C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\NetService\AdskNetSrv.dat.  For Windows Vista the file is located > C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\NetService\AdskNetSrv.dat.
    •  Make a copy of this file for backup purposes.
    •  Delete the AdskNetSrv.dat file.
  7. Create an environmental variable for FLEXLM_TIMEOUT.
    Error: A valid license could not be obtained by the network license manager

    Restart the workstation and launch Revit.  If the workstation still cannot obtain a license please collect the following files and log a support request through Subscription Center or contact your reseller:

    •  3 latest Revit journal files from workstation:  Location of journal files
    •  Debug.log file from license server:  Locate debug.log file for license server
    •  License server status enquiry:  LMTOOLS > Server Status tab > Perform Status Enquiry
    •  Copy of license file.
    •  For Revit 2011, REVIT2011ENUAdlm.log file from the following folder:
    Windows XP > C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Adlm
    Windows Vista > C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Adlm

Install option Civil 3D 2011 is greyed out

Source: Autodesk Technical Support
Sometimes the option to install can be grayed out if the installer perceives that the application is already present on the machine. This is generally due to some registry information being left behind by a previous attempt to install the application or an install folder being left behind. Click here to backup your software and registry
To resolve this, please verify whether there are any entries for the application, Civil 3D 2011 at the following location in the registry:


Please right click and search for ‘Civil 3D 2011’ at this location.
Also verify whether there are any entries for this product at:


If you find any entries for Civil 3D 2011, and are sure that the application is not installed, then please remove the entries from these locations and retry the installer.
Also, please verify whether there are any install directories present at:

c:\Program Files\Autodesk\Civil 3D 2011

Back Up System Registry

Published date: 2010-Apr-08
ID: TS66513
Applies to:
AutoCAD® 2011
AutoCAD® 2010
AutoCAD® 2009
AutoCAD® 2008
AutoCAD® 2007


Registry edit warnings often contain text similar to the following:
Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it.
You want to know how to back up the registry for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.


To back up the registry:

Problems caused by improperly editing the Windows registry could render your computer operating system unusable. Microsoft provides a wealth of critical information that you need to know about the registry in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at http://support.microsoft.com/support.

Additional information about the registry is also available in the Help topics in the Microsoft Registry Editor.

1. On the Start menu (Windows), click Run.
2. In the Open box, enter regedit, and then click OK.
3. In the Registry Editor, on the Registry menu, click Export Registry File.
4. From the Save As Type drop-down list, select Registration Files (*.reg).
5. Under Export Range, click All.
6. In the File Name box, enter Backup Registry.
7. In the Save In box, select Desktop.
8. In the upper right corner of the Export Registry File dialog box, click Create New Folder, and then enter My Backup Files.
9. Click Save.

Note: You have just saved the Backup Registry file to the My Backup Files folder on the desktop. In each of the following back-up procedures, you will be instructed to save your files to the same folder.

10. On the Registry menu, click Exit.
11. Verify that the Registry Backup.reg file is located in the My Backup Files folder. To do this, double-click the My Backup Files folder on the desktop and note the contents. If the file is there, close the My Backup Files folder. If the file is not there, repeat steps 1 through 9, but in step 8, do not create a new folder; instead, select the My Backup Files folder.

Important: Do not double-click the Registry Backup.reg file on your desktop unless you intend to undo the changes that you are making to the registry.

Autodesk Labs – Convert point clouds to real geometry

Source: Autodesk Labs

click for Labs Page, a dataset and 8 youtube videos from autodesk

Restoring your settings after applying the secondary installer or clean uninstall

after initiating the secondary installer instructions you will want to test the software to see if the issue has been successfully resolved, and then restore the settings you had set up prior to doing the secondary installer.

I also recommend backing up the support directory (again). This directory is called out in the secondary installer instructions. (IE..your products support directory – I call this backup the “out of the box” support directory backup).
if you backed up your AutoCAD/AutoCAD vertical profiles you may want to import them.

type in options at the command line, go to the PROFILE tab and select the import button. browse to your profile and import.
if you backed up your AutoCAD/AutoCAD vertical user interface you may want to restore them.

shut down AutoCAD/AutoCADvertical
copy and replace the backed up .CUI or .CUIX files from the support directory and replace them in software’s support directory.
launch AutoCAD/AutoCADvertical
if you have custom alias commands, iE like C = circle command, you may want to restore those.

copy and replace the backed up ACAD.PGP file from the support directory and replace them in software’s support directory.

Dell Killing Windows XP Option This September

Dell said Tuesday that it plans to stop offering Windows XP as a preloaded OS option beginning this month, as a prelude to Microsoft’s slow phase-out of the older operating system.

Read about it

Troublshooting information needed for network installation issues

From the Workstation:

1. A copy of the licpath.lic file (c:\Program Files\<Productname>\licpath.lic)   Note: All licpath.lic files for all applications on the workstation should be the same.

2. The contents of the system variables. System Information is a good source for this. Follow these instructions to create a report of the workstations Environment Variables:
a. Press the Windows Key, plus the letter “r”, to bring up the Run dialog. (The Windows Key is on the keyboard between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side of the keyboard.)
b. In the Run box, enter msinfo32.exe and click OK.
c. From the File menu choose Save.
d. Save it with a name such as SystemInfo.nfo.

3. The string value for the “ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE” string in the Windows Registry on the workstation.
a. In the Windows Registry Editor, browse to:
b. Right-click this Windows Registry key and choose export.
c. Save it as a text file with a name such as FLEXlm.reg.

4. The ADLM error log file. To find the ADLM error log go through the following steps:
a. Press the Windows Key, plus the letter “r”, to bring up the Run dialog. (The Windows Key is on the keyboard between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side of the keyboard.)
b. In the Run box, enter “%allusersprofile%\Application Data” and click OK.
c. Browse to the Autodesk folder, and then the Adlm folder.
d. Find the file REVIT2011ENUAdlm.log.

5. If you can launch the program on the Workstation, include the Program Information Properties from the Products Product Information dialog box:
a. From the Help Menu choose About Autodesk product.
b. Choose the Product Information button.
c. Choose the Save As button.
d. Browse to the location you want to store this file.
e. Give it a file name of ProductInfo.txt.
f. Choose the Save button. (If there is no save button, take a screenshot.)
g. Choose the Close button.

From the Server:

1. A host ID file from the System Settings tab of LMTOOLS on the license server. Please save this as a text file with a name such as SysSet.txt.

2. A copy of the license file from the license server. You will find its location in LMTOOLS on the Config Services Tab, Path to License file text box.

3. A copy of the options file from the Server (if you have one). This file will be in the same folder as the license file and will have a name of “adskflex.opt”.

4. A copy of the text from choosing the Perform Status Enquiry button on the Server Status tab of LMTOOLS. Please copy this content into a .txt file in notepad and save as a name such as SrvStat.txt.

5. A copy of the debug log file from the Server. You will find its location in LMTOOLS on the Config Services Tab, Path to the debug log file text box.

Images drop out when printing to HP plotters from Revit 2010 products

Published date: 2009-Aug-04
ID: TS13666326

Applies to:
Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2010
Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2010
Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2010


In Revit 2010 when printing directly to HP® plotters, you notice image files are not included in the resulting print.


Disable the option for SpoolSmart® if it is present in the HP print driver preferences.  This option is typically located in Printing Preferences > Services > Troubleshooting Menu > Enable SpoolSmart.

Un-check the box to disable this feature.  Subsequent prints should properly include images from Revit 2010 products.