Duane Brown

2012 Revit Products – Repopulating types when reloading a family



You have purged types from a family in a project. When you reload the family the purged types do not repopulate.


The following method is an approach to reload the purged types:

  1. Open the family in question.
  2. Inside the Family Editor, go to Create > Types.
  3. In the Family Types dialog, under Family Types, click New.
  4. Create a new Family Type. This will be a temporary type, so you can name it anything.
  5. Click OK to exit the dialogs.
  6. Reload this family back into the project.

Now the purged types should be reloaded back into the project. To remove the temporary type, you can go to Manage > Purge Unused, or delete it from the Families section of the Project Browser.

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