Duane Brown

Archive for August 10, 2010

Revit 2010 : Pantone Select Severe Lag Time

64 Win 7 8GB RAM
Rev Arch 2010 BUILD 20090917_1515 (x64)

Issue Scope:
multiple computers and multiple drawings.
actually half of the computers work and half don’t, they are identical machines.

After selecting PANTONE the cursor stays a circle for a while.  We cleaned out the items in the temp directory.  The first time we did this after we cleaned it out it seemed to work fine, the second time it was lagging again.  We shut down product and launched and the same thing.
customer sent the last 3 journals they are attached to this case, this didn’t provide any clues. logging in as a different person made the problem go away. Logging back in as yourself the issue returns.

Copy and paste this directory (from a computer not having the issue using this software, to the computer having the issue)
C:\Users\ *user id*\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011

AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 : Install Error 1402

Solution provided by Autodesk Technical Support:  Confirmed to resolve issue by customer.

64 Win 7 8GB RAM
Map 3D 2011

Install Fails with Error 1402

Error Header: AutoCAD Map 3D 2011
Error Message: Error 1402. Could not open Key:
UNKNOWN\Components\317800169C22D11A9790006794C4E25\7D2F387520099040102000060BECBAB.  Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.

Please BACKUP the entire registry before modifying/changing any registry keys!
Click File > Export… > Select All for Export Range > Save
• From the START menu, execute “Run..” and then type “regedit”
• Navigate to the following parent container: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components

• Right click on the parent container registry key Components Choose “Permissions…”

• On the “Permissions for…” dialog box which appears next, press the “Add..” button and add in the “Administrator”, “Administrators” and “SYSTEM” accounts. For ourselves, we also made sure to add in our own local account which had administrator privileges.

• Back on the first “Permissions for…” dialog box, click on each account in the top-list and make sure each has the “Full Control = Allow” and “Read = Allow” permissions.
• Click the “Advanced” button so that the “Advanced Security Settings” dialog box appears:

1. 1 – On the “Permissions tab” enable the checkmark box named “Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object”, then press the “Apply” button.

2. 2 – On the “Owner” tab, highlight the “Administrators” name in the lower listbox, enable the checkmark box called “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects” and press the “Apply Button”.

• Repeat the previous 2 steps once more. This time around you shouldn’t get any errors about not being able to update the permissions on the child keys.
• Exit these dialog boxes by pressing the “Ok” button, so that you are back to the main registry editor.
• Go and re-run your Microsoft installer or un-installer. It is recommended that you right-click on its icon and execute “Run as administrator…” if available.
• If you continue to get this “Could not open key” message, on the exact same keys, then you didn’t do the above operations correctly.

Sometimes a repair of the registry is necessary, either CCleaner or Glary Utilities can be used
Glary Utilities