Duane Brown

Map 3D 2010 : newer version already installed : greyed out can’t select

Source: Autodesk Technical Support

I understand that a customer has a system on which you’re unable to install Map 3D 2010, as it says that a newer version is already installed.  If you’ve already tried Revo Uninstaller, might I suggest trying it in Safe or Moderate mode?  It’s also possible that even though Map itself has been removed, there might be lingering entries for Map’s service packs in Programs and Features.  Go into that list and be sure that “show updates” is checked.  If you see Map’s service packs there, try removing them.  Failing that, try using Revo Uninstaller to remove them.

You can also try the now-Microsoft-banned Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.  You’d be looking to have it remove Map and/or any of its updates.  Microsoft claims that it’s a potentially dangerous utility now, though, so use at your own risk.  We can attach this utility to an email and send it to you – the link is not provided here.

Please let me know what you find out.

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