Duane Brown

Archive for July 9, 2010

Please Stand By: Current Issues Being Researched

this represents a small subset of the issues that are under investigation currently. When they are resolved I plan on posting the issue with full description of both the problem and its resolution.

Grip/select/hover over PLINES or Alignments causes object to appear to shift
Resolution: Disable Hardware Acceleration in AutoCAD or AutoCAD vertical.
Unable to Install Object Enabler Raster Design 2011 PERIOD
I had turned off the “welcome Screen” in my deployment packages. Apparently, that was preventing RD OE from installing. When I turned the welcome screen on, it worked fine.
One MTEXT object causes excessive sluggishness in AutoCAD
see post in “Support Cases” category for current status of research on this issue

Create a “Truly” ADMIN Account on XP

here is the steps one needs to follow to create “truly” Admin account on XP.  Please note that often times even though a new user can be a member of admin group, the account might have restricted permissions.

To Create a new admin account:
1.go to > Start > Setting > Control Panel
2.Swithch to Classic View
3.double click on User Accounts applet
4.click on Advanced tab, and then again Advanced
5.Local Users and Groups management console will open
6.right click on Users and then select New User in pop up window
7.fill out the required filed: user name, password, etc and then click Create, and then Close
8.now right click on the newly create user account (you should see it in right window in Users and Groups management)
9.select Properties form the pop up windows
10.click on Member Of tab
11.click on Add
12.in the Select Groups window, under ‘Enter the object names to select’, type Administrators and click on ‘Check Names’ tab.
13.the_computer_name\Administrators should show up in the ‘Enter the object names to select’ box
14.click OK, OK several times
15.close Local Users and Groups management console
16.click OK to close User Accounts window
17.open User Accounts window
18.under Users, select the newly created admin user account
19.click Properties > Group Membership
20.under What level of access do you want to grant this user?
21.here you need to make sure that ‘Restricted user’ radio button is not selected.
22.select Other and then choose Administrators in drop down lost.
23.click Ok a couple of times to close the window
24.restart the computer (XP) and login is as the new admin

Windows User Profile Naming Conventions

A user name cannot be identical to any other user or group name on the computer being administered. It can contain up to 20 uppercase or lowercase characters, except for the following:

” / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >

A user name cannot consist solely of periods (.) or spaces.

Reboot into Diagnostic Startup and Create a new, local admin account to test from

Since the standard solutions for this issue didn’t work, there are a few tests that I’d like to run. Please try the following:

1.     Reboot into Diagnostic Startup. This will ensure that programs running in the background aren’t conflicting with the installer. This document can walk you through the process:

boot up in diagnostic mode

2.     Create a new, local admin account to test from. This will have a new set of permissions and make sure that the domain setup isn’t causing the problem. The steps are in these links:

create a new admin account on XP

3.     Use the original media – DVD or download – to install the program. This will tell us if the system is having trouble reading the customized deployment.