Duane Brown

Archive for July 30, 2010

to use ODBC to export data from Revit to Access 2007 in a 64 Bit environment

You are trying to use ODBC to export data from Revit to Access 2007 in a 64 Bit environment
You will need to download an access database engine. These drivers are available as AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe on the following page

Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

After down loading you will need to uninstall ALL office products!
Once they are uninstalled you need to run the AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe. This will install the 64 bit ODBC driver.
Now you’ll need to reinstall all our Office products.
Now you are good to go and able to export out to an Access Database.

Deployment Civil 3D 2011 on client everything is greyed out

when installing the deployment on the client, when the “Select the Product to Install” page pops up. the following are all greyed out,
1) The language drop down listbox,
2) All of the product names and checkboxes (none of them are checked)
3) Back and Next buttons

32 bit Civil 3D 2011, silent mode turned off

32 bit XP SP3 2GB RAM

Resolution Situation 1:
uninstalling Autodesk Design Review, and relaunch the deployment. 

Resolution Situation 2:
In my case, Design Review was not installed, however Express Viewer and DWF Viewer was. I uninstalled those and setup resumed